knitting needles by brand

Knitter's Pride (KnitPro)
Knitters Pride Mindful Collection
Zen Needles
Brittany Birch
Lantern Moon  Needles


Addi Clicks
Cubics Square Needles
Knitters Pride Needle Sets
Carbon Fiber Interchangeables
Zen Needles Rosewood Interchangeable Set
Lantern Moon Interchangeable Needle Sets
Addi CLICK Interchangeable Needle Gift Sets
Knitters Pride Royal Paris Special Edition
Addi GOLD AND DIAMOND ART Collectibles
Karbonz Deluxe Interchangeable Set

Knitting needles by type

Circular KNITTING Needles
Single Point KNITTING Needles
Double Point Needles
Jumbo Needles
Cubics Square Needles
Triangular Needles

Beginner Needles
Bamboo Needles
Olivewood Needles

Crochet Hooks

Diamond Needles
Carbon Fiber Needles

Fab Knitting Needle Guide: How to choose the best knitting needles

Start by finding the recommended knitting needle size for the yarn and pattern you are knitting (see yarn details on each yarn page for the recommended size needle). Personal preferences for the more experienced knitter include choice of single point, double point or circular knitting needles, plus material—wood or metal based on feel and speed of knitting.

Learn more! Knitting Needle Guide continues below. Need a gift for the knitter who has everything? Can't go wrong with a deluxe interchangeable set!

Fab Knitting Needle Guide continues: what are the different types of knitting needles

Interchangeable knitting needle sets

Interchangeable Knitting Needle Sets are great for travel or serious knitters who need to have many sizes easily at their fingers: state of the art are the amazing Addi Turbos: and we've got plenty at the best prices.

Single-and Double-point knitting needles

For Straight Knitting Needles, we love Brittany Birch wood knitting needles and bamboo knitting needles, too—because of their tactile feel, their ability to help yarn stay on the needle (especially SILK!) and the fact that are warm to the touch. But also see great single and double point knitting needles from Zen, and Knitters Pride!

Circular knitting needles

Circular knitting needles are known for knitting in the round, but they can also be used to knit flat. Circulars come in various cord lengths, a long cord allows a large number of stitches that can move freely along the cord. The length of cord is usually decided by the size of your project, eg small (socks etc): 16" and under; medium (sweaters etc) 24-29"; large (shawls, blankets etc) 36-40+"

Unique Triangular knitting needles

And now you have a new option our knitters are raving about: the new Triangular Zen Knitting Needle—exclusive at Fabulous Yarn.

Jumbo knitting needles

For knitting heavier weight super bulky and bumps try jumbo circular knitting needles—up to SIZE 50!

Wood or Metal? Which needles are best for knitting?

The main difference between wood and metal knitting needles is the speed you can knit at. Metal is smoother so faster and possible better for delicate yarn than can catch. Wood provides a warm softer feel, with some lovely luxe options like olive wood as well as ebony and rosewood. Bamboo is also great for beginners as the stitches won't slip as much making it easier to knit at a slower speed. Bear in mind there are also cheap alternatives in plastic, metal and wood but they break easily. Investing in a good set of needles will reward the dedicated knitter!

What knitting needles are best for beginners?

Beginners will generally start with Single or Double-point straight needles, on a simple pattern like a scarf. Starting with a medium weight yarn like a worsted and a medium size needle, about US6-8 in a 10" length should give you a comfortable feel and a good chance of coming up with your first knitting success!

Need a perfect knitting gift? Give a KNITTING NEEDLE Set

An ideal gift for the knitter who has everything is a deluxe knitting needle set—something many wouldn't buy for themselves but would love to have! Click here for a fabulous selection of the world's best luxury knitting needle sets.